Ich & Wir - The Pleasure Principle - Quilt
“Zusammenhang” (Context)- connecting, linking, sewing, bringing it together, creating a context. The title of the thesis refers to the se- mester topic of the 8th Semester “I & We”, which creates the tension between the pronouns “I” and “We”. The quilt and patchwork, a tech- nique in which individual pieces of fabric are sewn together to form a large area, are metaphors for these aspects. In collaboration with Sofia Furmanov, a wide-ranging work is created in which the aim is not to design a pure end product, but to capture the “essence” of the quilt. This project develops on different levels varying in it’s medium, however always relating to the bridge that textiles form between the individual and the group.
“Zusammenhang” ist eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit von Sofia Furmanov und Marla Bernhardt.
Für das Sommersemester 2020 entscheidet sich der Studiengang Textildesign der Kunstakademie Stuttgart für das Semesterthema “Ich und Wir- The Pleasure Principle”. Wegen der Corona-Pandemie bleiben allerdings die Akademie und deren Ateliers - Textilearbeiten müssen als Heimarbeit entstehen. In der Technik des Patchworks und des Quiltens erkennen die zwei Studentinnen eine Metapher für das Semesterthema:
1.) das Zusammenbringen verschiedener Stoffe und deren Geschichten,
2.) die Tatsache, dass historisch Quilts oft in Gemeinschaftsarbeit entstehen,
3.) die psychische Verarbeitung durch Handarbeit.
“As the best work that relates to the corona pandemic situation”, the project “Zusammenhang” wins the Academy Award of the Design Department at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart in summer semester 2020.

“Zusammenhang” exhibits as a part of the 8th European Quilt Triennial at the Max Berk textile collection in Heidelberg. Additionally we are invited to give a small artist talk.

Project Portfolio